DC Workers Fight For Jobs At City Hearing

Thursday, July 1, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Workers battled business lobbyists in a major throw-down over jobs at DC City Council yesterday. "City Council needs to get serious about enforcing legislation that provides DC residents with jobs and training," challenged Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO Executive Board member and DC COPE Chair Fred Allen, "First source has been on the books for twenty years but has not been enforced." Dozens of District residents and community allies traded volleys with suited business lobbyists at yesterday's Council hearing on the Employment and Trade Stimulus Amendment Act. While supporters said the bill would provide more jobs, training opportunities and fair labor standards for District residents, business lobbyists gloomily predicted economic catastrophe. “The apprenticeship programs connected to the project labor agreements (PLA) will provide DC residents with career opportunities that are transferable to any state - it is not just a job but a career,” argued Jeff Grabaski. "PLAs can be used as a vehicle to enforce the first source law and get DC residents back to work," added building trades attorney Gerry Waites. Meanwhile, Councilmember Michael Brown (I-At Large) - who introduced the bill -- criticized Mayor Fenty as a no-show in the debate; Fenty failed to send any representatives to the hearing.
– Ryan Carty, AFL-CIO Union Summer Intern; photo courtesy DailyMe


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