MD/DC State Fed Honors Lautar, Cefalu & Moore At “Salute To Leadership”

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

The contributions of Jim Lautar (r), Buddy Cefalu and Bob Moore to the labor movement will be honored at the Maryland State and District of Columbia’s “Salute to Leadership" this Friday. Lautar is the former coordinator of the IAM National Pension Fund, Cefalu is the President of the Mid-Atlantic States Ironworkers District Council and Moore is the former President of SEIU 1199E-DC. “Workers across our region are confronted with some pretty hard challenges,” says State Fed President Fred Mason. “Hard won improvements in earnings, benefits and the overall quality of life are at risk, (so) the Maryland and DC AFL-CIO is building a new unity within labor and with our allies.” Click here for ticket information.


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