"Raise Taxes, Save The Safety Net" Say District Activists

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

As the DC City Council meets over the coming days to reconcile the District’s budget, community activists are calling on people to act urgently to save “safety net” social services from being cut. "The reality is we can't save these public services and jobs without generating new revenue," says Ed Lazere, Director of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute. "We need to encourage Councilmembers to stand strong and support the safety net," adds Lazere. "The alternative will result in hunger, unemployment, homelessness, and a prolonged and deepened recession for the city as a whole." Advocates argue that proposed tax increases will affect less than five percent of residents, but would enable the city to protect much-needed safety net programs. Click here to email the Council today. - photo courtesy Save Our Safety Net


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