District Government Urged To "Stop Wasting Tax Dollars On Law-Breaking Contractors"

Monday, May 24, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Charging that Mayor Fenty and the DC City Council "have paid millions of tax dollars to law-breaking security contractors that violate federal labor laws," local unions – spearheaded by SEIU Local 32BJ – are calling for people to send a message to the Mayor and the Council telling them that you are "tired of wasted tax dollars and worker abuse." "It's time for our city to get serious about only doing business with responsible contractors," says SEIU 32BJ. "One of the City's new security contractors has violated federal anti-discrimination and sexual harassment laws, has an extensive history of wage complaints, and has endangered workers' health and safety. Once again, millions of DC tax dollars are being wasted on a low-end, law-breaking contractor." Click here to email the Mayor and the Council today.


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