Mexican Prez Gets Chilly Reception At Mineworker Protest

Thursday, May 20, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

At the White House, preparations were underway to host a gilt-edged state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon. A few blocks away, over a hundred union members and labor rights activists rallied in front of the Mexican Embassy, condemning Calderon's repression of labor unions in Mexico. Led by the United Steelworkers Union (USW) and the AFL-CIO, the demonstrators blasted "No justice, no peace" and "Unions united will never be defeated" through bullhorns as they waved signs that read "Hands off Los Mineros" and "Respect workers' rights." The USW and the AFL-CIO have opposed and criticized the Mexican government's attempts to destroy the independent mineworkers' union, Los Mineros, where mineworkers have been on strike for almost three years at the Cananea mine in Northern Mexico over health and safety violations. "Calderon is threatening to send in federal troops to take over the mine and break the strike," said Manny Armenta - Sub-District Director for USW District 12 - who told Union City, "These workers simply wish to work in a safe environment and return home to their families every night." Armenta added, "We are out here marching to send a clear message to Calderon: Keep your hands off the union. Do not send your army to break the union - there is no need for bloodshed and we will not stand for it." - report/photos by Adam Wright


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