Recruiting Union Retirees

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Union retirees are one of the metro area’s greatest assets, with commitment to our movement bred in careers battling for justice and a level of activism that belies their age. The National Capital Area Union Retiree Club (NCAURC) is a great way for any area union retiree to stay active and involved in the local labor movement, from attending rallies and demonstrations, to lobbying the Maryland State Assembly and Congress in support of issues of importance to seniors and the overall labor movement. NCAURC encourages area locals to publicize this terrific organization to your membership – especially retirees -- and encourage them to join. Annual dues are $42 and your local may choose to sponsor an officer, active member or a retiree. Contact Stan Gordon at for details on how to join.


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