Rallying To Save DC's Safety Net

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Activists will rally tomorrow morning at 8:30a at DC City Hall to protect city services from threatened budget cuts. Despite recent moves away from Mayor Fenty's proposals to cut services and impose fees, "there are still huge cuts to essential services like job training, disability assistance, and support for at-risk youths," says Save Our Safety Net organizer Mike Wilson. "The city needs to develop new sources of revenue," adds Ed Lazere, director of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute. "By creating new tax brackets for the highest-earning 5% of DC residents, the city will be able to bring in funds to save key public services. " While six Councilmembers have already declared their support for progressive tax increases, they need a seventh to move legislation. Click here to send an email on this issue to At-Large Councilmembers.


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