Saturday Gathering To Develop "People's Agenda"

Friday, May 14, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“One of the things that has to be faced is the process of waiting to change the system, how much we have got to do to find out who we are, where we have come from and where we are going.”  Community organizer and civil rights leader Ella Baker’s words ring true for the hundred of organizers, activists and community leaders who will gather this Saturday for the Greater DC People’s Assembly.  The Assembly, which will feature prominent labor and community leaders including Jos Williams, Johnny Barnes, Ed Lazere, Anise Jenkins, Amrita Wassan and Sandrine Emambu, seeks to develop a people’s agenda for the Washington metro area. “Rarely do we have the luxury to be able to take a step back from our day-to-day work, to connect with other struggles that affect ours but that we’ve just never made the time for, or never had the imagination to reach out to, and actually build a platform together,” explains Ruth Castel-Branco, organizer with DC Jobs with Justice. “The Assembly is not only an excellent  opportunity to build labor-community relations, but will also serve as a key building block for upcoming candidate forums.”  The assembly – which is open to all -- takes place Saturday, May 15th, 9:30a-4p at Plymouth United Church of Christ, 5301 North Capitol Street Northwest, DC. Lunch and childcare provided. Click here for the full program or contact 202-974-8281


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