From Wall Street To K Street

Friday, May 14, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Following on the heels of the massive April 29 mobilization on Wall Street, thousands of union and community activists are expected for Monday’s "Showdown on K Street" targeting banks and their lobbyists. "The fat cats on K Street have been skulking in the shadows for too long," says Metro Washington Council President Jos Williams. "It's time we put the spotlight on the lobbyists that do the banks’ dirty work and demand that Congress stop accepting their bribes." Members of National People's Action and SEIU from across the country will join the AFL-CIO and Jobs with Justice members for a confrontational and creative action in the heart of K Street, beginning at 11:45A. - photo: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (center), Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker and NYC Central Labor Council President Jack Ahern join TWU members and 30,000 other on-the-ground and virtual marchers to Make Wall Street Pay in April; photo by Will Fischer


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