Setting A "People's Agenda" For DC

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Hundreds of area social justice activists and leaders will gather on Saturday May 15th for the Greater DC People's Assembly. The Assembly, which will feature MWC President Jos Williams and ACLU-DC Director Johnny Barnes among others, is an opportunity to connect with people from across the region who are working for change, to share struggles and visions and to help develop a "people's agenda" for a more just metro DC in 2010. "With all of the upcoming local elections it's important that we develop a progressive platform, bigger than any one movement, that we can stand by," says Ruth Castel-Branco of DC Jobs with Justice. "Workers' rights, housing, immigrant rights, public services, the budget, health care, education, statehood...these will all be topics of discussion at this year's assembly." The Assembly  is one of the activities leading up to the US Social Forum in Detroit this summer, June 22-26. The assembly will run from 9:30a to 4p at Plymouth Congregational. For more information or to participate in the People's Assembly, contact Ruth Castel-Branco at or 202-974-8281.


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