On The Road To Richmond For Workers Rights

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Charging that mining company Massey Energy - which owns the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia where an April 5 explosion killed 29 coal miners - needs to be held accountable, the AFL-CIO is providing a bus for local labor activists to protest the company's shareholder meeting in Richmond, VA next Tuesday, May 18. "We will let them know that Massey Energy needs to provide safe working conditions for their miners and that Don Blankenship, Massey's President and CEO, needs to go!" says the AFL-CIO. "The bus will be leaving from the AFL-CIO at 5:30A sharp, returning to DC by 1P at the latest." Space is limited for the free seats; email ammorris@aflcio.org or call 202-637-5355 for more information and to reserve bus seats; click here for an event flyer. - photo: Terry Cooper, his wife Michele, daughter Tera, 16, and son Justin, 11, comfort each other during a candlelight vigil in Montcoal, West Virginia April 10, 2010; photo courtesy John Gress/Reuters


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