5 Councilmembers Join Opposition To Fenty Budget Cuts

Thursday, May 6, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Five DC Councilmembers yesterday added their voices to those of demonstrators opposing Mayor Fenty’s DC budget cuts. Councilmembers Michael Brown (at left), Kwame Brown, Harry Thomas (at right), Jim Graham (center) and Tommy Wells spoke at Wednesday’s rally outside the DC City Council to Save Safety Net Services. Organized by the Fair Budget Coalition, the rally was part of a concerted community response to the Mayor's proposed budget which would cut critical DC safety net programs, including the child care subsidy program, adult literacy, job training, mental health services, and the rapid housing program. Among the solutions proposed by advocates to save the safety net is an increase in revenue. The top tax bracket in DC currently starts at $40,001, meaning that everyone making more than that pays the same tax rate. According to advocates, the city could raise millions in revenue by creating additional tax brackets. "The Mayor has balanced the budget on the back of working people," said Michael Brown, "we need to make sure that folks who  can afford a little more pay a little more into the system." "While working people are seeing their benefits slashed, my wife Barbara and I have been asked to do nothing. That's unfair" added Wells. "I believe that we have a city that's human, just, and smart. A city that realizes that if we don't invest in a fair budget (now), we will pay in the future." In addition to protecting the safety net, good jobs are key, added Thomas, "We need to stand together, black, brown, white and purple to support those most disenfranchised in the city.” - Ruth Castel-Branco; photo courtesy Save Our Safety Net


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