NBC-Universal "Unfair To Labor"

Monday, May 3, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

As elected officials and the “who’s who” of political commentators drove through the gates of NBC-Universal (NBCU/WRC-TV4) to appear on “Meet The Press” at sunrise yesterday, dozens of members and staff of the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET-CWA) greeted them with signs reading “NBC is unfair to labor” and “NABET families need a contract.” Charging that NBCU is “threatening jobs and futures,” the television production workers - who have been without a contract since spring of 2009 - have been holding informational picket lines outside NBC in the District’s Northwest every weekend since May last year. “We are facing some very difficult negotiations right now,” NABET-CWA Staff Representative Carrie Biggs-Adams told Union City, “NBC is taking this opportunity to attempt to break our union and we will not stand for it.” The union says that the company’s contract proposals include a radical change to the seniority system; acting upon proposals that transfer NABET work to non-union employees; and the “continued reduction” of NABET employees, as well as drastic reductions in health care and other benefits. NABET-CWA has filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board, however the case is “deadlocked with red tape,” says Biggs-Adams. The union urges people to help support the workers by signing a pledge to “turn off channel 4,” which the workers will give to passersby every Sunday through summer between 7:30A and 10A; email cbiggs-Adams@cwa-union.org for more information. – report/photo by Adam Wright


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