Striking Iron Workers Honored

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

Strikers at Wings Enterprises will be the focus of a Workers' Memorial Day commemoration Wednesday morning. The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LACLAA) will honor striking iron workers who walked out six months ago. “Iron reinforcement is heavy, dangerous work,” says striker Felix Paz. “When there were accidents on the job, which was often, the company refused to take them seriously or provide compensation.” LACLAA has worked in recent years to publicize the large numbers of Latinos injured and killed at work. "Through this workers' rights hearing and press conference, we want to put a human face on the numerous injuries on the job and substandard working conditions that are an unfortunate reality for numerous workers," says Andrea Delgado, senior policy analyst for LACLAA. - Ruth Castel-Branco; photo: at the vigil and rally for striking Wings ironworkers at Foggy Bottom in February; photo by Adam Wright


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