DC Families And Workers Stand Up, Fight Back

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

“What this Mayor is doing to working families is absolutely deplorable,” said AFGE District 14 National Vice President Dwight Bowman at yesterday’s early-morning rally outside the DC District Building. “We need to stand together and raise the public’s awareness of how this man is destroying our city.” Blowing whistles, beating drums and chanting “DC families and workers are under attack; what do we do? Stand up, fight back!” dozens of District workers and residents demonstrated in front of the DC City Council building Tuesday morning as the Council prepared to begin their fall session. “The people who stand before me today do not merely represent a small group of people,” said Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr. (above, left) after walking the picketline. “They represent a large majority of those affected by the Mayor’s actions and are here because they have had enough.” As he spoke, demonstrators waved signs reading “We the people helped you win, and we can bring you down!” and “Mr. Mayor, we are not happy with what you have done to us.” Added Thomas, “Those who have done right by us need us to do right by them. I will not turn my back on the people who need us the most, and that means District workers and their families.” The demonstration was organized by Take Back DC, a broad-based campaign led by labor and community groups working to protect public services for all District residents, strengthen transparency in the way the city does business and hold elected officials accountable.  – report/photos by Adam Wright


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