Smithfield-Free DC Summer Campaign Launches Today

Thursday, June 19, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
A major ad campaign targeting Smithfield Foods kicks off at 11:30A today. The ads - which will appear on radio, DC-area buses, and Metro stations - will detail Smithfield's "long and chilling record of worker abuse" at their Tar Heel, NC plant and feature profiles of injured workers. "Human Rights Watch has twice singled out the Tar Heel plant as a major example of worker abuses in the United States," says the Justice at Smithfield campaign. The 8-week ad campaign will also urge DC consumers to consider alternatives to Smithfield products this summer. The blitz is being run in conjunction with a community solidarity campaign launched last Friday that includes a leafleting action outside the Georgia Ave-Petworth Metro station this Friday at 5P. Click here for details on how to get involved in the solidarity campaign.


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