CWA and Verizon Resume Early Negotiations

Friday, June 6, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Talks between CWA and Verizon resumed last week, according to a report in the CWA 2108 News. "CWA Districts 1, 2 and 13, together with the IBEW, have agreed to resume early negotiations with Verizon, covering the Verizon 'East' contract," says a report in the June edition of the 2108 News. The contract, covering 55,000 CWA members, expires on August 2. "The parties initially engaged in early contract bargaining beginning last November but the talks were suspended earlier this year. Verizon has continued to agree to limit its bargaining agenda to health care while the unions have an unrestricted agenda and the discussions will cover the ability of members to have access to jobs of the future in the growth areas of the company." CWA is bargaining jointly with the IBEW.


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