Labor on the Move: Patti Edwards Devlin

Thursday, May 22, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)

The Laborer's Patti Edwards Devlin is taking an "off-ramp" from full-time employment at LIUNA "to hang out with my son Tommy who, at 7 years-old, is at the age where time with his Mom is about quantity, not quality time." Beginning May 22, Devlin - who's been a union activist since 1986, when she became a union shop steward while working as a clerical worker in Washington -- plans to take the rest of the year off "to determine the best way to recalibrate my work/family balance to bring the best value to my family, my community and myself" and adds that she intends to continue to be "an activist committed to bringing about progressive social change locally, nationally and globally." After graduating from the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute training program in 1991, Devlin spent the next ten years organizing health care, public sector, industrial and construction workers throughout the United States. During her tenure with the Laborers' Union, she served as Assistant Director of Organizing for six years before being promoted to serve as an assistant to LIUNA's General President. Devlin graduated from the National Labor College in 1999 with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Labor Studies. Thru this Friday, you can reach Devlin at


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