Labor Webmasters Learn Basics of RSS Feeds

Thursday, May 22, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Over a dozen DC labor webmasters from across the Washington region got a crash course Wednesday afternoon in how to use RSS feeds in the first of a series of lunchtime web skill-building sessions. Michael Whitney of American Rights at Work took just 50 minutes to show attendees how to harness the power of RSS feeds to update their websites automatically with content and easily share their own content with other websites. Future sessions will feature guest experts in the field of union online communications. Topics for the free "Better Website in 50 Minutes" series - co-sponsored by the Metro Council and the International Labor Communications Association (ILCA) - include e-newsletters, social networking, user-friendly website maintenance tools, getting and using photos and graphics, digital video for the web, and helping Google find your site. Watch UNION CITY for the details on upcoming trainings.
- report by Mariya Strauss, ILCA Media Coordinator


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