Ranks of Hunger Strikers Grow at Noon Rally Today

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
More Indian workers will join a hunger strike (Indian Workers Start 'Hunger Strike for Justice' 5/14/08 UC) - now in its seventh day - at a noontime rally today near the Capitol Reflecting Pool to demand that Congress hold hearings on abuses of workers under the guest worker program. The rally will also mark the launch of solidarity fasts in DC and India by supporters of the workers' struggle. Following the rally, a delegation of workers and supporters will deliver letters asking House and Senate representatives to pressure the Department of Justice to protect the workers during an ongoing criminal anti-trafficking investigation against their former employer Signal International. Hunger strikers moved to the Capitol Reflecting Pool yesterday after protesting outside the White House last week and Indian Embassy this past weekend (Hunger Strikers Protest While Indian Embassy Feasts 5/20/08 UC). Click here for ways to support the workers' struggle.


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