Activists Urge DC to Act Against Verizon's Bad Service

Monday, May 19, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Workers and community activists woke up downtown DC Thursday with a lively early morning rally to demand the DC Public Service Commission (PSC) hold Verizon accountable for deteriorating services and refusal to invest in new infrastructure in DC. The rally was held prior to a PSC hearing on a recent DC Office of the People’s Counsel-Verizon agreement (Labor Updates: Critics Say Verizon Agreement 'Hoodwinks' DC 3/14/08 UC) that CWA Local 2336 President Jim Pappas called “ridiculous.” “One of the most objectionable things about this agreement is that it implies Verizon’s poor service is the fault of workers,” said Pappas, who testified at Thursday’s hearing. “Verizon is slashing jobs, facilities, and resources and it is not only happening in DC but all over the country.” Following the rally, activists tried to enter the public building but were turned away by building management and security who told them they could not enter the building wearing red and without proper “business attire.” When asked to see written regulations about attire for public citizens, management gave the group a copy of employee dress codes. Eventually security and management were forced to relinquish and activists were allowed to enter the public hearing where PSC officials apologized for the incident.
-report/photo by Andy Richards


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