DC Jobs with Justice Corner: Day Laborers Find Support, Strategize at JwJ National Conference:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Since January, DC Jobs with Justice (JwJ) has been actively supporting the development of the Union de Trabajadores – a worker-led organization of day laborers in DC – to build worker unity, advocate for their rights, and create positive relationships in the community they work. Earlier this month, three members of the Union attended the National Jobs with Justice conference in Providence, Rhode Island where they shared experiences and struggles with union locals, organizations and workers centers. "As day laborers, we need a lot of character to work in the face of uncertainty, poverty and despair," says Jorge Ortiz of the Union de Trabajadores. “People who hire us know our legal status and know that most of us are not aware of our labor rights or do not know where to look for support.” Ortiz – who was part of the DC delegation to the JwJ National Conference – shared and learned strategies for organizing the unorganized and leadership development with low-wage and non-union workers at one of the conference’s low-wage workers organizing forums. “At the National Conference, I found out that we are not alone," says Ortiz. "We got the support of American brothers with experience in the struggle for dignity of working people from all over the United States. Now I know we have friends who support us; now I know there is hope.”
- report by Pedro Cruz, DC Jobs with Justice Day Laborer Organizer


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