Greenhouse on "The Big Squeeze"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
New York Times reporter Steven Greenhouse speaks today at 12:30 on "The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker." In his new book, Greenhouse "takes a fresh, probing, and often shocking look at the stresses and strains faced by tens of millions of American workers as wages have stagnated, health and pension benefits have grown stingier, and job security has shriveled." From software engineers in Seattle and hotel housekeepers in Chicago to call center workers in New York and janitors in Houston, Greenhouse goes behind the scenes to tell worker stories and explores why corporations are squeezing their workers. Joining Greenhouse will be AFL-CIO Organizing Director Stewart Acuff, Wall Street Journal Assistant Managing Editor and Executive Washington Editor Gerald Seib, and Ruy Teixeira, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress and The Century Foundation. Gene Sperling, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress, moderates. Presented by the Center for American Progress  and American Rights at Work.


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