Council Meeting Highlights

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Highlights of Monday night’s Metro Council meeting included the swearing in of six new Council delegates -- Vance Ayres (WBCTC), Mark Coles (WBCTC), Hugh Weathers (ASASP), Roosevelt Limes (SEIU 400), Gerald Green (SEIU 400) & Trent Holmes (SEIU 400) -- a preliminary report that the 2008 Evening With Labor will net nearly $16,000, updates on the DC Noise Bill, Maryland/DC State Fed political activities, endorsement of Andrea Harrison in Prince George’s 5th Councilmanic District and a report on the ongoing dispute between labor and the Prince Georges County Democratic Central Committee. In other reports, Vance Ayers is succeeding Jerry Lozupone as head of the Washington Building and Construction Trades Council, CWA 2336 continues efforts to bring high-speed fiber optic service to DC, IUOE 99 won a major organizing victory at Walter Reed, IUEC 10 won union recognition for workers at the Ted Turner Elevator Cab Company, and SEIU 500 applauded Montgomery County Councilmembers Valerie Ervin and George Leventhal for their support of efforts to organize by part-time faculty at Montgomery College. Complete draft minutes will be posted online soon.
- report/photo by Chris Garlock


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