Mineworker Leader Speaks Out at Labor Dept

Thursday, April 17, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
"Across the country I can feel a spirit moving, soft as a whisper, loud as a roar" a hoarse UMWA President Cecil Roberts thundered at Wednesday's screening of "Mother Jones" at the Department of Labor's Great Hall to over 100 DOL employees. "Winds of change are blowing and working people are standing up and fighting back." Roberts spoke movingly of a Sago mineworker's widow "who is a modern Mother Jones, speaking truth to power" about the deadly conditions still facing coal miners. Metro Council President Jos Williams noted that Mother Jones was called "the most dangerous woman in America" because of her battles on behalf of workers, adding that Labor Secretary Elaine Chao "is the second most dangerous woman in America, because of her actions against workers." Williams presented Roberts with a copy of the Mother Jones film; the screening was co-sponsored by the DC Labor FilmFest, which Williams co-chairs. The free noontime screening was part of AFGE Local 12's membership drive this week and Local 12 President Alex Bastani spoke strongly about the local's effectiveness in fighting for DOL employees. Bastani also raffled off Labor FilmFest t-shirts, copies of the Mother Jones DVD and movie tickets.
- report by Chris Garlock


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