"We Only Win When We Organize"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Nearly 200 local activists celebrated the struggle for freedom, workers' rights and voting rights in songs, speeches and stories at the seventh annual Labor Seder Tuesday night. Calling 2008 "A special time when all the pieces line up and can come together," Heather Booth - Director of the AFL-CIO's Health Care Campaign and President of the Midwest Academy - said that "We can win when we organize; in fact," she added, "We only win when we organize." Drawing parallels between the oppression and struggle of both Jews and blacks, " Metro Council President Jos Williams expressed his hope that "when we gather next year we will finally be able to celebrate victory in our shared struggle for voting rights in DC." And DC security guard Raquel Mack noted that while guards had finally won a union contract, "it probably wouldn't have taken as long if DC residents had representation in Congress." The annual seder, organized by Jews United for Justice – which circulated DC Vote's voting rights petition – was hosted this year by Adas Israel Congregation.
- report/photos by Chris Garlock


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