Mother Jones Moves to DOL Great Hall

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Due to the level of interest, today’s screening of “Mother Jones: America’s Most Dangerous Woman” has been moved to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Great Hall. United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) President Cecil Roberts will introduce and discuss the film. A sixth generation coal miner  - both of his grandfathers were killed in the mines - and one of the labor movement's most stirring and sought-after orators, Roberts grew up in a UMWA household on Cabin Creek in Kanawha County, WV hearing the stories of Mother Jones and other organizers. Bring your lunch; dessert and soda will be provided. AFGE Local 12 and the DC Labor Filmfest will raffle off copies of this film and FilmFest t-shirts. NOTE: Non-DOL employees should call the AFGE 12 office (202-693-6430) and leave their name so the union can have someone available to greet them at the door; enter through the 3rd and C Street doors and bring a photo ID. For more info, email Traci Dimartini,


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