Postal Workers Seek to Spur Creative Youth to Show Union Pride in APWU Contest

Friday, April 11, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Young filmmakers, musicians, poets, and artists from across the country will put their creative skills to work as part of the American Postal Workers Union's (APWU) "Make it a Family Affair" Contest. The contest - sponsored by APWU - is "designed to promote among youth a better understanding of the vital role unions and the APWU" play in the lives of the young contestants. Contestants can submit an original work of music, film, poetry, or art expressing this theme for a chance to win a laptop computer and cash prizes. The contest is open to 12-18 year old children of APWU members in good standing, retirees, or deceased APWU members. Deadline is June 30. For more info and registration information, click here.


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