Labor Films Bloom

Friday, April 11, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Labor films are popping up all over town this month. “Mother Jones: America’s Most Dangerous Woman” was a big hit at in-house screenings last Friday at the UFCW and will be screened next Wednesday April 16 at the Department of Labor by AFGE Local 12. UMWA President Cecil Roberts introduces the film. Also next Wednesday, the National Labor College will show Fired! the comedy about getting the axe, with actress Annabelle Gurwitch, Tim Allen, Jeff Garlin and more. On Friday, April 18, Women Organize! -- an inspirational, half hour video that portrays women organizers across the US who are involved in the global struggles for racial, social, and economic justice -- will screen at the American Federation of Teachers. And on April 25, Michael Moore’s SiCKO screens at the AFL-CIO during the labor federation’s month-long focus on healthcare. Moore applies his usual sharp-edged satirical style to America’s dysfunctional healthcare system, using humor to tell compelling stories of everyday people faced with extraordinary and bizarre challenges in their quest for basic health coverage. The DC Labor FilmFest – now in its 8th year -- is organizing the screenings.


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