County Council May Fight Gains for MontCo Workers

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
A showdown over pay and benefit increases for Montgomery County firefighters, police officers, and government workers may be brewing in the County Council following Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett’s recent approval of union contracts, reported Ann Marimow in Tuesday’s Washington Post. The contracts “would provide most firefighters with a 28 percent pay increase over three years and enhance retirement benefits for some police officers and other government workers,” Marimow reported.  Both John Sparks, president of the Montgomery County Career Fire Fighters Association, and Gino Renne, president of the county's UFCW 1994/Municipal and County Government Employees Organization, told Marimow that the increases will help bring parity to salaries for county workers, whose wages lag behind other Metro DC county public safety workers. Click here to read the full story.


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