Union City Voice: Readers Write (4/2/08)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Inspirational Mother:
“What a fantastic film! I learned so much about Mother Jones,” writes Pamela Wilson about the 3/28 DC Labor FilmFest screening of "Mother Jones” at the AFL-CIO. “How admirable and incredibly inspiring she was! The music was wonderful, too. Many thanks for another terrific Friday lunch-time at the movies.” Getting Mojo: “Can you send me the info on how to get the MoJones film?” asks Chester Hartman. “I'd like to list it in the Resources section of the next issue of Poverty & Race.” Order online for $10 from the Labor Heritage Foundation. To arrange for a free screening locally, email streetheat@dclaborarchives.org


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