LaborArt: There Won't Be Class Conflict

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
“I was disappointed that Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar for ‘There Will Be Blood,’” writes labor photojournalist David Bacon on the truthout website. “Not because he's not a great actor (he is), but because the movie was such a betrayal of the book on which it was based.” While Upton Sinclair's novel “Oil” “unearths a crucial part of the hidden history of our own working class movement,” Bacon says “the movie is devoid of the social conflict that is the book's main narrative. There are no unions and no strikes. Class conflict is out. The corruption of politicians becomes the product of a corrupt personality, not a corrupt system.” Click here to read Bacon’s complete review, “Bad Capitalists or a Bad System: Hollywood Comes to Blows With Upton Sinclair.” Got LaborArt? Email us at


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