Labor on the Move (3/25/08)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Burton In As CSO Prez: L. Nelson Burton has been elected President of the Council of School Officers (CSO) Local 4. CSO members also elected Aona Jefferson Executive Vice President, Valoria Baylor Secretary and Otto Jordan Treasurer. JWJ Staff Updates: Treston Davis-Faulkner is the new national Jobs With Justice (JWJ) Interim Field Director; he's been JWJ's Southern Regional Field Organizer for the last 5 years, working with local coalitions throughout the southern region. New JWJ field organizer Krista Hanson was most recently national program director for the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. Hanson is originally from Oregon, where she worked with Oregon's farmworker union and Portland JWJ on defending immigrant workers' rights and in opposing the FTAA, Fast Track, and CAFTA. After living in Mexico and Central America for six years, she moved back to the US in 2005. Naomi Demsas is JWJ's new administrative assistant. She moved to Washington last year after graduating from the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she was an organizer on her campus, working to recruit and retain students of color.


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