Multiple Leafleting Actions Planned for Grocery Workers

Thursday, March 20, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Northern Virginia labor activists will kick-off a two-week blitz of solidarity actions for grocery workers throughout the Metro DC area by leafleting customers outside an Annandale Giant tonight at 6:30P. “Community support for grocery workers is the key to victory,” said Metro Council President Jos Williams. “It’s inspiring to see so many of our allies and activists stepping up in such a short time!” Grocery workers are fighting Giant and Safeway’s demands for give backs on healthcare and pension benefits, wages, and other issues, reports the UFCW Local 400 website. Other leafleting actions are planned throughout the weekend and next week leading up to the expiration of the workers’ contracts at the end of the month. “Over 150 supporters have already downloaded pocket-sized worker support cards to give to their neighborhood checkout clerk and local store managers,” says DC Jobs with Justice Organizer Ruth Castel-Branco. The actions follow the launch of a UFCW worker sticker campaign. “I’m wearing this sticker because of solidarity for the union,” says Leroy Gardner, a Bethesda, Maryland Giant worker, in a video about the sticker campaign on the UFCW website. “We all need to stick together...When we negotiate contracts, we need to negotiate for all Local 400 members, for all UFCW members…We need to negotiate together.” Click here to find out how you can get involved and here a full list of leafleting actions.


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