Navarro Wins Council Endorsement

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
The Metro Washington Council Monday night endorsed Nancy Navarro for Montgomery County Council District 4. A special election is being held April 15 to fill the seat vacated by the recent death of Marilyn Praisner. Navarro now serves as President of the Montgomery County Board of Education and has been recognized for her tireless work for students, parents and teachers. "My mother, who immigrated here from Venezuela, worked as a domestic and then in a factory, where she had a union and stressed the importance of union power for workers," Navarro told Council delegates Monday night. "Nancy's exactly the kind of voice for working families we need on the County Council," said Metro Council President Jos Williams, "We urge the strong support of our affiliates and the many union voters in Montgomery County for her on April 15." County Council member Valerie Ervin, noting that budget pressure is building on the County Council, also urged support for Navarro, warning "there's a push to re-open County employee contracts to pay for the shortfall."


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