Activists Mobilize for Grocery Workers

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
With Safeway threatening to hire strikebreakers before contracts with its union workers have expired, labor activists launched a solidarity campaign Monday to show support for Metro DC grocery workers. “Both Giant and Safeway are demanding cuts to worker healthcare and pension benefits,” reports UFCW 400’s Mark Federici. Campaign participants will converge on dozens of Safeway and Giant stores across the area over the coming weeks to voice their support for workers and build customer support for the struggle leading up to the expiration of contracts at the end of the month,. “It’s easy for everyone to participate to let local grocery workers and their managers know you care about their fight for good jobs and good benefits,” says DC Jobs with Justice organizer Ruth Castel-Branco. “Whether it’s handing your checkout clerk a support card, sending a letter to your local store manager or joining an outreach day, every action makes a difference.” Click here to take action for Metro DC supermarket workers.


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