Special Delegate Meeting Tonight

Monday, March 17, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Twenty-five copies of the AFL-CIO's brand-new health care video DVD will be given away to the first people to arrive at tonight's Metro Council delegate meeting, which will also feature a screening of the film with comments from AFL-CIO President John Sweeney. "We're one of the first labor councils to screen this film," says Metro Council President Jos Williams. "This is a decision-making year, one in which we get to decide which direction America goes for the next generation. America is going the wrong way, and nothing shows it as clearly as health care." Designed to be used by local unions, health care groups and activists, the 9-minute video premiering tonight will be rolled out across the country next month as America's union movement steps up its campaign to finally fix the nation's health care system by electing a pro-worker President and Congress. Over 300 labor councils will make health care reform the primary focus of their April delegates meetings, working to  double their attendance. All are welcome to attend tonight's meeting, which starts at 6:30P at the AFL-CIO, 815 16th Street.


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