Workers Rally Against Hanes Sweatshops

Friday, March 14, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
Dominican Republic factory workers were joined by students and labor activists Thursday afternoon at an impromptu lunchtime rally outside the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP). The workers and activists rallied to pressure CEIP President Jessica Matthews to use her power as a Hanes board member to end sweatshop conditions at a Hanes factory in the Dominican Republic. "We work 12 hours a day" controlling "up to 5-7 machines at a time and only make $68 dollars a week," said Hanes worker Manuel Pujols. "We have a majority that want a union but management refuses to negotiate with us." While activists chanted "Hey Jess Matthews, stop the lies; let the workers organize," workers tried to meet with Matthews but were turned away. "She didn't want to see us and we were booted out," said Pujols. The workers are visiting the United States on a college campus speaking tour to build support for their fight. "We are not giving up until Hanes recognizes our union," said Hanes worker Julio Castillo. "All we want is decent work." To take action for Hanes workers, email ( or call (202-939-2215) President Matthews. -Report/photo by Andy Richards


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