DC Celebrates 75th Anniversary of the New Deal

Monday, March 10, 2008

(Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO)
In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt promised "a new deal for the American people.” Seventy-five years later, DC is celebrating those famous words that heralded FDR’s plan for national recovery from the Depression with a series of events throughout the week. On Tuesday, the National New Deal Preservation Association (NNDPA) will hold an all day New Deal bus tour that will include visits to New Deal-specific sites around the Metro DC area and lunch with former Civilian Conservation Corps alumni members. The NNDPA will also host an honors ceremony for New Deal program participants on Wednesday at 10A at the Library of Congress Room LJ119 of the Thomas Jefferson Building. In addition, the Library of Congress and the National Archives will begin their series of New Deal commemorative events, including panel discussions with New Deal historians and a day-long festival of rare period films produced by the U.S. government's New Deal agencies. For more info, email newdeal@cybermesa.com


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