10 Years of Students Against Sweatshops

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Students and labor activists from across the country will converge on George Washington University Thursday night to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of United Students Against Sweatshops. “Ten years ago, students began organizing to confront sweatshop abuses in factories around the world where the clothes on their campuses were made,” says United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). “Since then, USAS has grown to a national movement with 200 chapters that has helped workers at factories around the world, and on their own campuses, win countless key victories.” The event will include reports on recent campaign victories, including at the New Era factory in Alabama. Featured speakers will include United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard, SEIU Executive Vice President and Change to Win Organizing Director Tom Woodruff, AFL-CIO Director of Organizing Stewart Acuff, University of Miami USAS leader Mewelau Hall, and 2001 Yale USAS leader Jessica Champagne. Click here to purchase tickets.


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