Supporting Iraqi Oil Workers

Friday, February 22, 2008

Workers and anti-war activists will rally today at noon (NOTE: Location changed to OPEIU, 1660 L St NW, 8th Floor) in solidarity with Iraqi oil workers who are fighting occupation and the passage of the proposed Iraqi Oil Law (Iraqi Oil Law Protested 2/20/08 UC). "When members of the oil workers unions protest the oil law, the Minister of Oil uses dictatorship-era laws to proclaim they do not exist, to close their offices, freeze their bank accounts, and issue arrest warrants against their leaders," says US Labor Against the War Co-Convener Gene Bruskin. "More than 500 Iraqi oil workers have been killed, wounded or kidnapped since the occupation began in March 2003." The Iraqi oil workers unions have played a leading role in fighting privatization of Iraqi oil. "Because of opposition to the oil law, we find all kinds of condemnation from the government, and our workers understand fully that the campaign waged against us is because of our opposition to the oil law," says Hassan Juma Awad, President of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions. Today's action - which will include a march to the White House featuring oil barrels and a trail of "oily" black footprints - is part of two days of solidarity actions in the dozens of cities in the US and UK.


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