Exposing Elaine

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, George W. Bush's longest-serving cabinet member, has flown under the radar of most Americans as "the Department of Labor has turned into an agency that screws America's workers and enables corporate giveaways," says American Rights at Work, which yesterday launched their new "Shame on Elaine" website to spotlight Secretary Chao's anti-worker and crony policies. "From littering the Labor Department with corporate insiders to dismantling worker safety protections and collaborating with her husband, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), on a blatant anti-union political agenda, Chao has disgraced her role as Secretary of Labor," says American Rights at Work Communications Director Liz Cattaneo. The website - which includes sections on Corporate Giveaways, Screwing Workers, Personal Affairs and a Hall of Shame -- follows actions last summer by Department of Labor (DOL) workers and AFGE 12 that halted the outsourcing of 250 DOL jobs (AFGE Blocks DOL Outsourcing 7/11/07 UC) and exposed Chao's anti-worker statements in the July 1, 2007 Parade Magazine (DOL Workers Want Chao to Come Clean on Comments 7/18/07 UC).


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