MD Sweatfree Bill in Danger

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tell Maryland Delegates to Support the MD Sweatfree Bill

Legislation that would boost the fight to end sweatshop labor is in danger of being stalled in committee, reports the Maryland Sweatfree Campaign. "Sadly, most states, including Maryland, use our tax dollars to subsidize exploitative conditions for workers," says Trina Tocco of the Maryland Sweatfree Campaign and International Labor Rights Forum. The legislation would require all products made for the State of Maryland to be produced under fair labor standards and create a community advisory committee and disclosure and enforcement regulations. "This legislation would not only help workers abroad, but also lessen corporate attacks on US workers, strengthen Maryland's commitment to support small businesses, and slow the global 'race to the bottom'" says Tocco. Six other states and hundreds of cities, counties, school districts and universities have adopted similar policies. For more info on signing your union or organization onto a letter of support for the bill, contact Tocco,


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