Union to Protest "Scapegoating" of DC Family Service Workers

Friday, February 1, 2008

Leaders of the union representing 400 employees in the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency will hold a mid-day rally and press conference today to outline actions on behalf of citizens and the beleaguered caseworkers who AFSCME District Council 20 says "have been scapegoated by the Fenty administration in the aftermath of the tragic deaths of four young sisters in Southeast D.C." Union leaders will deliver a letter to D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty and other city officials after the rally that "will contain a constructive proposal to better protect families and children at risk in the District." Speakers will also address the pending firing of several CFSA employees, the lack of continuous training, outdated procedures, and the management gridlock that stymies caseworkers every day.


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