Woody Lives!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Labor-political singer-guitarist Joe Uehlein [middle in photo] sings out with Avril Smith [far left] and Mindy McWilliams [far right] at the January 19 tribute to labor and political activist Woody Guthrie. A capacity crowd gathered at Jammin' Java in Vienna, VA to mark the 40th anniversary of the first Woody Guthrie tribute at Carnegie Hall in 1968 with local and national artists including two-time GRAMMY winners Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, two-time Wammie winner Dede Wyland and the Dede Wyland Bluegrass Band, and local roots-rock band the U-Liners. Proceeds from the show benefit the CultureWorks Collective, “dedicated to integrating art and activism in ways that help unite and inspire people to achieve progressive change.”


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