Local Activists Join Memphis MLK Celebration

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"The success of the struggle for justice by Memphis sanitation workers in 1968 is an example that we can drawn on in today's struggles," said Metro Council President Jos Williams, who joined more than 1,300 activists - including Council Executive Board members Gwend Johnson (CBTU), George Johnson (AFSCME Council 20) and Doris Reed (ASASP) - at the annual AFL-CIO Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration in Memphis over the weekend (Williams to Help Celebrate MLK in Memphis 1/17/08 UC). After attending a workshop on mobilization, Williams reports that activists "went out into the community to participate in a candlelight vigil, voter registration, as well as neighborhood clean-ups and home repairs." The activities were designed "to bring the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr to those who need it most," Williams tells UNION CITY. Click here to read more - and see videos -- about the celebration.


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