Direct-Care Workers Take Case to Annapolis

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two dozen direct-care workers -- SEIU Local 500 members who work at Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children (CSAAC) -- met with Montgomery County legislators in Annapolis Monday night to advocate for a long-overdue cost of living increase. "In the past seven years, funding to community providers for operating expenses has only increased 4%, while the Consumer Price Index for those years increased by 24%,” says Job Coach Messeleta Harding. “This puts providers in a situation where costs for housing, food, transportation, and other services are increasing at a rate six times that of their funding from the state." Ten legislators met with the workers, who asked them to ensure that Governor O'Malley includes their 5.87% COLA in his '09 budget, which will be presented to the General Assembly on Wednesday. -Reported by Jaclyn Lichter


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