Labor Updates (12/10/07)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Strategies to Promote Women's Activism & Leadership: “Unions are good for women workers, but they could be much better at promoting women into leadership positions,” according to 'I Knew I Could Do This Work,' a new report released December 5. Based on interviews with women union activists, the report notes that unionized women earn 30 percent more than non- unionized women and that “active women strengthen unions,” citing higher success rates by female lead organizers. In addition, “women who become union leaders often gain influence in politics and other areas of public life.” The report is subtitled “Seven Strategies to Promote Women's Activism & Leadership.” Report author Amy Caiazza, Director of Democracy and Society Programs at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research says that “the strategies outlined in this report are designed to help women claim a voice of authority in an area that is traditionally dominated by men.” Click here for more details and to download the report.


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