Union Women Schooled

Thursday, June 21, 2007

This year's Northeast Union Women Summer School will offer workshops ranging from "Basic Grievance Handling" to "Managing Stress in Challenging Times." Union women from across the Northeast will gather from July 8-13 at the National Labor College to learn and hone leadership skills, attend workshop on labor issues, network with union sisters, and have fun. Gloria Johnson – past President of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) and a long-time supported of the school – will also speak at this year’s graduation address. “The Northeast Summer School for Union Women is one of the oldest programs of its kind in the country,” says Elise Bryant, one of the organizers of the school. “The school offers educational workshops for the experienced union activists as well as basic union classes for women who want to become more involved in their local union,” Bryant says. The Summer School is sponsored by the United Association for Labor Education (UALE) in cooperation with the AFL-CIO and the CLUW. The Northeast Summer School is one of four regional schools scheduled for this year. To download a registration brochure, click here. For more info, contact Elise Bryant, ebryant@nlc.edu. 2006 Northeast Union Women Summer School, photo from the UALE website


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