Labor Updates (5/7/07)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Mark your calendar for the Machinist’s 5th annual DAY OF ACTION on Thursday, May 17 on the National Mall. The broad-based transportation labor demonstration will focus on fighting those who “trample on workers’ rights, destroy pensions, sell-off jobs through globalization, pursue reckless outsourcing and privatization schemes, compromise safety and security, and neglect the needs of our transportation system and its workers.” Click here for details… The month of May is "OLDER AMERICANS' MONTH," reports the Alliance for Retired Americans. An opportunity to recognize and celebrate older Americans around the country for their life-long contributions and continuing invaluable presence in communities, as family members, activists, volunteers, mentors, friends, and leaders, “Older Americans' Month is the perfect time to let members of Congress know that they should increase appropriations for the Older Americans' Act (OAA) by at least 10% this year,” says the ARA.


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